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Friday, May 1, 2009

Ethical Business Practices

I enjoy fake companies. I do want to make Delta Tees an LLC for legal reasons (we're totally going to get sued, or at very least asked to cease and desist), but legal jargon aside, I also would like to make a faux parent company with a dubious name. Something like "Ethical Business Practices" or "Venturetek Synergies Conglomerate". For whatever reason, corporate and PR double-speak has a soft spot in my otherwise hard heart, and I enjoy emulating (read: ridiculing) it when the chance arises. The Scheinhardt Wig Company of 30 Rock lore comes to mind as a prime example of this, with such a noble slogan as "Not poisoning rivers since 1997".

In that same vein, I enjoy spit balling and having brainstorming sessions to come up with new tee ideas that I personally can't Photoshop. Writing things on white boards makes it feel somehow more official, and don't even get me started with Post-It notes. Whenever I dress up, I feel more capable of accomplishing things; case in point: today, I had a presentation at a Research Conference on my studies over the past year in my research laboratory. To this end, I was dressed in fancy-pants'ed attire, but I saw a noticeable difference in the respect and general inclinations towards me of strangers. People somehow assumed I must be important since I put in all the effort of tying a tie at the crack of noon for this event, and as a result cleared a path for me to stride industriously about and not actually have much to do. Like Lenny from the Simpsons once said: "I'm making great time! If only I had somewhere to be..." That was pretty much how I felt today, wandering aimless-but-importantly around. The moral of this incessant ramble is that if you want to get something done, dress up, walk around a public place, and then channel that feeling of worth into doing something else.

1 comment:


    Are you suggesting for the next DeltaTees meeting (assuming it actually happens this time) that we dress FancyPants'd and go into a public forum and brainstorm?

    I am totally down with that....

    Also, there is a 100% chance our LLC will not not be sued. I can't wait for a bailout.
